Flooring Surprise

Choosing flooring was the next big task at hand. Historically speaking, the hotel would have likely been hardwood everywhere. Our plan was hardwoods in the common spaces, think the check in area, guest lounge, bar, and restaurant. We planned on tile for all bathrooms (there are nine total), and a splash of…

Spotlight on Lights

Lighting has been in the spotlight lately (pun intended!). We are learning that identifying the location and type of light fixture is a little bit art and a little bit science. Thankfully, we’ve got a team of experts to help us with this task too. We started with our electrician, Geisler, who…

The selection process

When we decided to purchase and reopen the Brandt House we began dreaming about the hotel. We thought about what it would look like and how guests would feel when they walked through the door. All of the ideas floating around had us buzzing with excitement. As we continued brainstorming, we decided…

A bit of a timeline

Construction is underway and things are really starting to take shape. Today, we are sharing our anticipated construction timeline. This bird’s-eye view highlights major tasks planned for each step along the way. One: Demolition of old materials and walls followed by reframing to fit the architectural plans. Once the walls are in…

Construction begins

Brandt House is a historic project and because of that, the Kansas State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and the National Parks Service provide oversight to ensure important history is maintained in the building. For example, there is an emphasis placed on maintaining historic line of sight (so our hallways will be the…